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Why Do We Need Insurance

It’s less than a month now before our Philippines trip will be happening. Right now I am still waiting for my insurance card to arrive. I am going to use it for my travel insurance. When traveling travel insurance is very important. We don’t know what risk can happen. It is better to be prepared and secured.

My travel insurance is part of our life insurance same as what hubby have. It’s a good insurance company. I remember when hubby accidentally dropped his iPhone 5 and broke it, we got a new replacement and the insurance paid it. Even though they didn’t pay in full, at least we didn’t spend another hundred euros for the new iPhone. We just paid little and the insurance paid the rest.

Having an insurance is very important. It is a security. We just have to know the agreement well. Polygon group is an insurance company that provides property damage restoration and temporary humidity control across the globe. Remember what happened in Thailand two years ago? Polygon responses to clean up in Thailand flood. They also offer most reliable residential insurance. Water damage, fire damage, break detection or any other emergency. They will help you solve those problems.

So why do we need insurance? Insurance helps us protect our life, our ability to earn money and protect our homes. If something happen like car accident, house burn by fire, death, etc, the insurance company helps restore things. We don’t know what worse can happen. Better to be prepared all the time. There are many kinds of insurance. And each of them offers different coverage, so choose wisely which one is better for you. My insurance covers everything from travel insurance, house, car accidents, etc. What about yours?

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