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Our Favorite Summer Activities (With A Toddler)

Since summer is here, everyday is a play and relaxing day. Now that Rianna is a toddler we spent almost whole day in our backyard or somewhere else. Enjoying the warm weather and making it worth as much as we could. I wish it’s always summer though! Since we enjoyed the summer so much I think it’s nice to share here our favorite summer activities now that we have a toddler.

Here’s the lists of our favorite summer activities now that our little Rianna a toddler. Or shall i say babygirl’s favorite summer activities.

1. Having Barbecue:
This is our favorite thing in summertime. We can always have bbqs anytime we want. This summer we have barbecues almost everyday. We eat our lunch at the backyard under the sun. Yes! we actually eat without any shade. Like sunlight is directly onto our faces. So hot and so nice. It feels good to eat when you can feel the warm of the sun in your skin. It really feels like summer.
2. Going To The Beach
I tried to go walking during Rianna’s afternoon nap. The beach is like 15- 20 minutes walk or 30 minutes walk if you take the other route. I love to do it as it also helps me exercise my body while baby girl is having her nap on the stroller. While walking, I am listening to music. So for me it is also my relaxing time. Music always makes me feel better. While she nap, I sit on the ground looking at people having fun playing or swimming. So nice to spend hours in the beach. Sometimes, I also bring the iPad. I usually play fruit ninja or read some blogs.

3. Bicycle Ride
I have to admit that my first bicycle ride here was scary. I don’t know i just feel scared and strange. But later on, I learned to love my bicycle and knows how to handle it well. At first, i thought that my bicycle is too high for me. I am petite you know! But now, it’s just perfect and i love riding it all the time. Also, riding a bicycle is a good exercise for me. So it’s not just for fun ride it is also a good way to exercise. Rianna ride the bicycle with her dad. I don’t trust myself that much to let baby girl ride with me. I am scared! We often ride bicycle during afternoons. Our favorite spot to visit is of course the beach. Baby girl loves bicycle ride as sometimes she fall asleep there.

4. Jumping In Trampoline
Another one fun summer activity with a toddler is playing in trampoline. Rianna is still learning how to jump. It’s cute when she tried to jump and then acts as if she fall down. Then she would laugh so loud. And she’d do it over and over again. So funny of her. We also spent time in trampoline just lying down and look at the sky and airplanes that passes by. And sometimes looking at big birds flying freely in the sky.

5. Swing
Hubby made a swing for baby girl in our backyard. It’s actually attached to the roof. She enjoyed every minute she’s in the swing. She loved it so much! Smiles and laugh never stop everytime she’s on the swing.

6. Playhouse
Rianna has her own play house in the backyard too. I know this little girl is very lucky. Before summer I already planned to decorate her playhouse. However, it never happens. Hubby and I were planning to make the play house bigger. He promise he would do, and yes until now we didn’t do anything yet. I think all this plans will be happening next summer. hahaha i hope! In her playhouse she has several toys, books, chairs and tables, kitchen and some cups and small plates. She likes to spend hours there just playing tea party, etc. She loves to open and then close the door of the playhouse.

7. Picnic At The Beach
We also love to have picnic at the beach. Enjoying the sun with great foods. We love getting tan. Rianna never like the idea of getting her body wet with sea water. She dislikes it. I think it is because the water is cold. However, she loves to walk in the sand and sometimes just sit there. Basically, baby girl hasn’t enjoyed swimming at the beach yet. But she loved it if its in the swimming pool.

8. Fruit Salad
Okay, is having a fruit salad everyday an activity? Eating fruit salad is also our favorite this summer. We all love fruit salads especially if it is very cold and sometimes frozen. Everyone in the house love this food so much! Perfect dessert and snacks for summer.

9. Walking

Another favorite summer activity is walking. We often walk to the neighborhood. Or sometimes just spend few minutes walking in our street. There is a park near to us, so we walk there sometimes. Rianna walk with us and we usually do not bring her stroller. It’s her exercise too!

10. Playing In The Backyard

When hubby and i are both busy doing something, we just let baby girl play in the backyard. She normally play with the sands. Again, she has little space for sands. She also play balls and sometimes just walk around and play. It’s her alone time and one of her absolute favorite summer activity for sure! She can stay there as much as she likes. She even just wear diaper only. We do it so her skin will expose to sunlight.
So these are all our favorite summer activities at the moment. What about you? What’s your favorite summer activities (with toddler/ kids) ?


  1. Your daughter is so adorably cute! And your backyard is wonderful! So many fun things for her! I love the playhouse! Keep it small though. Kids do love the confined space and it gives them a lot of imagination room. If you are going to decorate it, let her pick out some fabric and make some curtains for the inside. Paint a wall inside with chalkboard paint (you can make your own too) in a deep color of your choosing (it doesn’t have to be black), then she can “decorate” the wall as wants to with chalk and then it can be erased or cleaned! What fun, right? Another cool thing to do is to decorate the inside walls with fabric. Just put it over the drywall or studs if that is what is inside and staple it to the top and bottom, then it can easily be changed out, unlike wall paper or paint. Paint the floor to look like nice wood or paint a rug on it. Not artsy? That’s ok, because the rug doesn’t have to be fancy. Plain is ok too. I’m sure whatever you do decide will look awesome.

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