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19 Months

19 Months
July 9, 2013
Baby girl turns 19 months old on July 9. I know this monthly update is too late. It’s so busy here lately. You know summer plus so many activities and things to do this month. Plus preparing for our upcoming trip which is happening very soon!
Back to update, baby girl is now 19 months old. So so hard to believe my baby is now so active and no longer a baby. I got a busy toddler always makes the house happy. We got a toddler walking and running around the house, dances when hear music, and sing as well. She speaks few words and the rests we couldn’t understand. But it’s good that she is trying to speak and that she understands everything when were talking to her. If we asks her “where’s your pacifier?” She would look around and try to find it. “Remove your shoes” and she would try to remove her shoes by herself.
One thing that i am proud about her is that she is a good eater. My friends were surprised to see her eat “a lot” yes she eat a lot especially rice. And i dont treat it as bad because it is better that she eat than she didn’t, unlike other kids. In short, food isn’t a problem for her. She also understand that she is not allowed to eat sweets and junk foods. We have a rule at home. Rianna cannot eat candies, chocolates, cakes, chips, or any other sweets and junk foods. We are very happy with our decision and i hope to remain on this rule as much as we could. This is for her own good. If she is hungry then she need to eat healthy food. She likes it or not.
She’s still a good napper. After lunch she is tired and sleepy, i just bring her to the room and locked there. She would play with her toys and books. Few minutes later the room is so quiet and when i check she is sleeping already. During nights, she sleeps early now than she used to. There are still nights though that she don’t sleep good. However, most of the nights she sleep through. Finally i am now enjoying my straight sleep too. I hope this will continue until then.
This is her updates so far. She’s growing fast!


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