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Travel Diaries: Road trip to Troodos Mountains


It’s over a month now since we arrived from our trip and I am not done writing all our adventures. So many of them and I wanted to post them one by one, one at a time. One of the most adventurous experience we had when we were there was our road trip to Mount Troodos. It takes about two hours to get there. We rented a car and drove ourselves to Troodos mountains and enjoyed the trip so much.

We hit the road at around 11:30 am. The three of us, we drove off to the mountains. We didn’t know what’s in there and what we’re going to do there. We just want to explore and see what it looks like up there. Hubby was confused to drive a right-hand drive car but got used to it right away. At first, we were laughing. He might drive in the right lane and never notice it, but anyway it doesn’t happen because we were very careful. It’s just a little weird. 

Troodos is about 62km from Paphos. The road was fine and the mountain view was very nice. We stopped by on the nice spot where there’s a nice view and took several photos. It was great that someone agreed to take photos of us three. Glad we have a family picture in the mountain. It was such a memorable one and I am happy we got a family picture there.
We stopped by at the restaurant near the road to give baby girl food and bought something to drink. I forgot to bring a spoon for baby girl, so we borrowed one from the restaurant. It was past 1 pm already. And then we headed to the mountain. The village in Platres was amazingly beautiful. The houses are big and nice. It was such a lovely place. I was so in love. So nice to live there.

We arrived in Troodos realizing that we have nothing to do there. Like nothing. Hubby and I were just laughing coz we thought there’s something interesting to see when we get there. Although there are hotels and restaurants and that’s all. We took a few photos and then we drove back to Paphos. We were at the top of the mountains  and it was colder there and we can feel pressure in our ears.

Going down from there is much easier and prettier. The mountain view looks nicer and a better view. Really nice and amazing. So nature. I feel like I’m in nowhere but heaven. So beautiful!
The adventure was really an adventure heheheh…. Hubby and I love road tripping. When were in Greece we also did the same. Road trips are a great way to explore places more and even better. It’s not only the sea that is beautiful, but the mountains also do too. The trees and the breeze of the air are even more beautiful than the sounds of the waves in the sea. Well, I do love beaches too. However, the mountains are breathtaking and calming. It uplifts one’s spirits and makes the stress go away. Yes, I fall in love with the mountains. I fell as I belong there!

Have you ever been to the Troodos mountains? Share, share your experiences…

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