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Summer Fruit Salad

Summer Fruit Salad

It’s summer and it’s time to eat fresh fruit salad. This is one of my favorite food way back home. There we called it “buko salad” as we add a lot of buko or young coconut in the mixture. We do not have buko here so I just use other fruits like papaya, pineapple, peach, etc. You can use fresh fruits of any as you like or you can just use fruits in a can. I think fruits in a can is easier because all you have to do is combine them all together.

This is easy to make. Just follow the instructions below! Enjoy your summer fruit salad.


You Will Need:
1 can of condensed milk
3 cans of pineapple slices
2 cans  of fruit mixes
1 can of papaya slices
Nata de coco/kaong in different colors
Heavy cream

How To:
– First, remove the fruit juices. The juice will make the salad watery so it’s better not to include them.
– In a big bowl put all the fruits together. Some fruit slices are big so try to slice them little smaller using a knife.
– Add condense milk and mix them all together.
– Put the fruit salad in a fridge for an hour or more.
– Serve and enjoy.

Tip: You can add heavy cream if you want. You can also add some nata de coco or kaong to make it colorful. Also, add buko/young coconut if you have. You can use fresh fruit slices and use as many as you like. Enjoy!


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