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Those Moments When…

“Those Moments…” is a blog series about things or memories that I missed or would like to cherish all the time, whether it happens in the past or the present. 

Sometimes when she’s sleeping I wanted to wake her up and hug her. There are times that I miss her right away even if she’s just in our room napping or playing alone. It’s like she’s gone for so long even if it’s just minutes. Part of me always wants to hug and cuddle her as much as I could. I am afraid of the time to pass by quickly and miss those moments when supposed to be hugging each other. I know time will come that she would refuse my hug or my cuddles. That she wants her time alone. I would like to treasure these moments when she doesn’t know how to say no or refuse me kissing or hugging her. I love this little creature so much! She is more than a world to me and I will do everything for her. I am speechless. I cannot say anymore words to describe how much she meant to me. One thing for sure is that she is truly a “heaven’s gift”. 


  1. This is beautifully written and you are so so touching! I’m the same way. As I watch my littles grow I’m in awe at the time passing. I want to be able to bottle the moments and just take them out when ever I can to reexperience the feeling!

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