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The Harbour (Paphos Cyprus)


We are back from our Cyprus trip last week. Paphos city is a great place for vacation especially if you want a warm sunny place surrounded by beautiful beaches. We had so much fun and it was such a memorable vacation. There are so many photos and I am still working on it. So today I am going to share with you this amazing place that we’ve visited. We’ve visited a few places and I think this one is the most interesting one or at least a nice one!

On our second day, we visited the harbor. We wanted to go to the city but they said it was close so they told us to go to the harbor instead. My friend who worked there told me that stores and malls are closed during wintertime. I wonder why. However, on the next day, everything’s open again and we actually went to the city and shop. We ride a bus for the first time there. It was fine, the driver was friendly and the fare was only 1€ each person.

Harbour is a very nice place. So many restaurants and stores. And the view is awesome. There are so many nice boats and yacht. We enjoyed walking and exploring the place. There are so many tourists there and I cannot spot which one is the local. Well, maybe I was just confused with their accents as all of them speak in a British accent. Cyprus was once a British colony many years ago.

… so windy there…. but warm wind and it was nice!

The place has a lot of restaurants. Some of them serve fresh seafood. This one we didn’t try because it was late when we were there and we don’t like baby girl to cry while waiting for the food to cook because she’s hungry. But if you happen to come there, please try to dine there and experience the fresh kinds of seafood. I am sure they are good.


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