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Goodbye Bottles

Today I can finally say that Rianna have grown up and no longer use baby bottles. It has been 16 long months washing and sterilizing at least five baby bottles a day. I came to the point that no more, I won’t do it anymore. It’s about time to say bye bye to baby bottles. Two weeks ago, I decided to try not giving Rianna a milk through bottles. I thought it was hard for her, but honestly she has no reaction towards it. Just like nothing happens. She drink her milk and water through a glass or her cup. And never ask for a bottles. Of course I made sure she won’t see any bottles in the kitchen so she won’t remember anything. It was a success. I thought it would be that hard, but it wasn’t.
Today, while she’s having a nap I gathered all her bottles and nipples and put them in a bag. I feel little sad but I know this is good for her. She is grown up and it’s time to stop using “baby” bottles. She’s a toddler, she eats solid foods and she do not need that much milk anymore. Milk is not the main source of her food now.
We haven’t gone out yet without bottles. I am little worried though that maybe when we go visit  our friends who has babies and when she saw them using bottles she would remember it and starts asking…. and then crying. I really hope that this won’t happen. Because I do not want to start all over again. We have done this milestone and I want us to move forward. No more baby bottles. She need to learn to drink in a glass or her sippy cups. She need to act like a toddler and no longer a baby. So far she’s doing really good. She drink her milk and water from a glass. I am so happy for her great achievements.


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