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A Date In The Mountain (two years ago today)

Exactly two years ago these photos were taken. This was the day we found out I was pregnant. It was a big two lines when I took the pregnancy home test. We were very happy because we really expect and want to  have a baby sooner. It was one of the happiest days of my life.
Anyway, later that day, we went to this place (I cannot remember the name) where there were so many big rocks and trees and grasses and so many little flowers on the ground. And it was in front of the sea, the beautiful blue ocean with such amazing view. It was so pretty up there like you are in a jungle paradise. And of course we took lots of photos.
We spent few hours there just wandering, daydreaming and exploring the place. We even thought that it was nice to come back there with our friends, bring tents and have some picnics and just relax. It was spectacular and I do hope we can come back there someday. It was a perfect place to relax and be away from a noisy city.


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