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17 Months

May 9, 2013


Baby girl is now 17 months old. One month more before she turns one year old and a half! She is more active now and loves playing all the time. She prefers to walk than stroller rides. More funny, naughty and silly sometimes. She understands everything. Speak few words, but I won’t expect she would learn to speak quickly as we are a bilingual family. We speak three different languages at home including English, Finnish and Cebuano. She understands every time we spoke to her, but cannot answer us yet. I know she will someday. I know she is a smart kid.

Two more teeth before she has full set. Still loves biting anything she holds. Hair is now light brown. She has black hair when she was born. She eats chicken and eggs lately and gets no allergy (thank God!). Still do not want to eat banana or other real fruit, but she eats processed food with fruit flavors and yogurt. Sleep late and woke up late around 9-9:30 in the morning. Only has one nap. The afternoon which takes about 2-3 hours. She loves evening bath and knows how to brush her teeth. Skin is much better now. No more dryness and it’s actually very smooth now. She loves smiling at random people especially the old ones. She would love to play with other kids also. I can say that she is not shy at all. I hope this won’t change. I like her being social and friendly.
That’s her latest achievements at this age. I will update as soon as I remember anything.

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