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Travel Diaries: Helsinki- Stockholm Cruise Trip

I mentioned here about our cruise trip to Stockholm. It was my first time to travel outside country without hubby. It was fine but there were times when toddler tantrums can attack anytime and unavoidable. It was hard when you were in the restaurant very hungry and want to eat, and your toddler starts crying so loud makes your good mood go away. It wasn’t fun at all. But it was those moments when my patience get stronger rather than lost it. I was able to managed it though.

The good thing about being away from home is that you feel so at peace. I enjoyed traveling with my friends and we had so much fun. I may not able to join them on their night drinks and listening live band, but I do enjoy time alone with my baby girl in our cabin. I’m a mother, there’s no turning back. I admit that I miss hubby the whole trip, but like I said distance is good sometimes. It makes us stronger and realized we miss each other more than anyone could. I choose to travel with my friends without hubby to have some freedom being alone and by myself.

It was only a cruise trip, Helsinki to Stockholm and back. It was Easter weekend, and we thought that shops in Stockholm were close so we decided to stay in the ship whole day. We didn’t go out. Last summer we were there, so we don’t need to visit the same streets and buildings where we were before. We instead explore the ship and enjoyed shopping in their “tax free” duty free. I bought guess wallet, converse pink shoes and of course lots of chocolates. Next time I should check their perfumes and make up. They are cheaper because it’s tax free. (Who doesn’t love tax free? heheheh)

So here’s some photos I took from the trip. Not so many. I brought camera with me but didn’t use it much. Enjoy!

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