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Cream Sauce Chicken Recipe

This is my own recipe. I just estimated all the ingredients I used. Since I moved to Finland food is too different from what I used to. So I have to try recipes that I and hubby can eat together. And now the baby can eat too. So I have to put carrots and other vegetables in whatever food I cook. And because I am Filipino (you know what I mean), I am not satisfied without rice. So rice is served here at least one meal a day. Hubby got used to it anyway, and baby as well (like me) loves rice. So in case you want to try my own cooking adventures, here’s a quick recipe of “cream sauce chicken”. I don’t know what or how to call it, :)


1/2 kilo chicken legs
Cooking oil
Slice onions
1 cup of water
1 cup sliced carrots
chicken cubes


1. Fry chicken legs until golden brown.
2. In a separate pan put little oil. Add onions and a cup of water. Let it boil.
3. Add chicken, carrots, and chicken cubes. Cover and let it boil for at least 20 minutes.
4. Add pepper and cream. Mix well and let it boil again.
5. When everything is cooked, add the tomatoes.
6. Serve with rice while hot.

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