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Cold Spring

Back to wearing leather jackets here. Winter seems overstaying but at least it is not so cold anymore and the snow are finally melting. This is what I wore today. Just a casual jeans and shirts. Although, it’s a cold spring, it’s good to be able to wear leather jacket again. It is also very sunny so it is a right time to  wear sunglasses as well. I am not sure when I should start spring cleaning as I am still wearing high boots sometimes. Hopefully the weather give in and starts to warm up so we can start to celebrate here and enjoy summer. (i know weird, im already talking about summer hehe)…

I had diabetes checking last week and had the results right away. I was a little nervous but thankfully it turned out well. My cholesterol and sugar level is fine. But the nurses says I have to change my diet and need to exercise more often. We (my family) should starts eating colorful foods. You know what I mean about colorful foods, right? It means we need to eat more veggies and fruits and minimize sweets and carbohydrates. We are not a healthy eater here, but are willing to change our eating habits. When I was pregnant I had a test where my sugar was higher than normal, so they asked me to check my sugar everyday, every after meal. I hated it so much and I don’t want to do it again. So now, I need to stay healthy and eat healthy. Going to try my best to live a healthy lifestyle.
 I’m wearing: Jeans and Belt: Zara; Top: Only (old); Leather Jacket: Vero Moda; Shoes, Bag and Sunnies: Mango
(photos by hubby)

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