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Baby Style: For Spring/Summer

She is now fifteen months old. Yes, 15! It has been fifteen amazing months since we have this baby girl. Everything is wonderful since we have her. She is growing up every day, of course, every day is a challenge. She learned to walk at ten months and since then she cannot behave and stay in one place for minutes. You know, running and walking around. It was nice to look at her happy, playing with her toys. It is also annoying sometimes especially if she starts to open the drawers and scattered the things on the floor. I understand she is just very curious about all the things around here. We just need to keep our eye on her all the time.

I am happy to say that her skin is perfectly fine now. No more allergies. I am so relieved. We stopped giving her the cream and medicine since yesterday and I am hoping that her skin problems won’t come back because it was very hard and she was so pity. Now that her skin is better, she can sleep well at night on her own bed. No more scratching and crying. Everything is fine and perfect. I finally have time for myself to relax and sleep well. She still wakes once or twice at night though, but other than that everything is fine.

So this is my baby girl now. She can wear anything because there is no more wound or redness in her skin. She is happy and healthy. Thanks to God for answering our prayers. We love this kid so much and we want her all the best. Healthy and happy all the time.

She was so sleepy when I took these photos. She cried and was upset on one of those photos above. It is so hard to take her photos because she keeps running. Needs more patience and energy. Well, I got used to it anyway.

Her outfit is for spring and summer and it is obvious that I cannot wait for that season to come. So tired of this snow and chilly days already. I want warm weather. I want sunny and warm so we can stay and play outside whenever we want. I am excited to fix and decorate babygirl’s playhouse in our backyard. I am sure she would love to play there.


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