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Adventures At The Frozen Sea

Over the weekend my family and I visited the frozen sea. Every time we go there I feel like we are at the top of the moon. It was a wide field of frozen water covered with thick snow. It looks like a moon. The place was beautiful and breathtaking. It is nice to walk there every day or run around or anywhere I would like to go. The place was endless because it is the sea and so wide of course!

We spent an hour walking, sledding and taking loads of photos. Baby girl loves to walk in the snow. She really enjoyed it so much! The sun was shining brightly and it makes us warm even though it was still negative degrees. We still so winter here, no sign for spring yet. We are hoping to end the winter soon because honestly, winter is so tiring and boring.

I would like to come back there. It is a perfect place to relax, breath fresh air and just enjoy the warm and bright sun. It is the best place to chill out and think. It wasn’t that far from our house, so we definitely come back there any time soon. 

For now, please enjoy the photos. 


  1. Oh my!! How adorable is that little snow suit?!? I miss the snow so SO much and sitting here in my aircon looking at your photos…well I got lost for a minute and thought I was actually there with you! It seems like a beautiful and relaxing day! Thank you for sharing something so breathtaking!

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