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How To Feel And Look Your Best During Pregnancy

How To Feel And Look Your Best During PregnancyPregnancy can be very difficult for women. I know it was for me, especially as a first-time mother. I know a lot of my readers are mothers like me, and with my little girl only being 14 months, the memory of becoming a mother a still fairly fresh in my mind. I figured any tips and clues I can impart will be better than none – however, I am still learning as she grows, so I’m no expert. Wow, those were the days. My pregnancy was worse ever than I thought it would be. I had the worst morning sickness. You know, vomiting few times a day and you cannot eat anything. That was very difficult.
Pampering yourself is a great way to make yourself feel better if you are currently experiencing those. The way I see it – You’re pregnant, so why not relax and try to enjoy yourself? It’s OK to not be the woman of the house all the time. I’m sure if you leave some of the stuff that needs doing around the house that hubby will be able to manage it. Your pregnancy is basically your time – and you have to listen to your body and cater to its needs, rather than follow the long list of chores that you have lined up in your mind.

How To Feel And Look Your Best During Pregnancy1
So with that in mind; here are some ideas to make the most of pregnancy:

How To Look Your Best During Pregnancy


Sure, there are some things that need to be avoided during pregnancy. You may pig out time to time, but you’re probably aware that your pregnancy, birth, and most importantly child, will all be much healthier if you eat healthier.
If you feel run down, enjoy some of your favourite fruit to give you a natural energy. Protein found in eggs and chicken are also great for boosting your energy levels and making you feel great on the inside.
It can also be fun for your partner to learn some basic massage techniques during your pregnancy. This won’t only make you feel better, but it can strengthen your relationship.

Everyone knows how important exercise is whether you are pregnant or not, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you do it. However, by taking on an exercise you can maintain regularly will give you energy, as well as make the pregnancy and birth run much smoother.
Swimming, yoga and Pilates are great exercises for women. Always check with your doctor before taking up a new exercise routine, and once you’re given the go ahead, enjoy your new favourite hobby!
Go Shopping

Retail therapy is underrated, and shopping for something special can lift your mood. Often the baby becomes the focus of life and the mothers needs go ignored, so it’s great to indulge in something that makes you feel gorgeous.
Long maternity dressesare perfect for pregnant bodies. When I was Googling for nice dresses to include in the post, I came across this grace long dress that Spice Girl Emma Bunton wore – we all remember her right…Baby Spice. Well it’s a Tiffany Rosedress and I did a little browsing for you guys too – and they have a lovely selection of maxi dresses for the spring too. Indulgent? Yes. Necessary? Also yes. Go ahead and have some fun!
Do you have any additional tips on how to feel good and look your best during pregnancy? I know every pregnancy is different. I would like to know your tips as well.


  1. love it ;) pampering can realllllly make the pregnancy feel so much better! same with cute clothes. I also think a nice long bubble bath with a chick flick or a book is the way to end a week

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