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It’s World Book Day

Reading is one of my baby girl’s and mine’s bonding moments. I usually read her a book before bedtime. It is always nice to show her illustrations while telling a good story. Her favourite story is Tinkerbelle. 
Sometimes I let her flip the pages herself and she seems likes to do it. I just have to watch her because aside from flipping the pages, she also loves ripping pages out and putting them directly into her mouth. 
Does your baby do that as well? Well, Rianna does that all the time that’s why we always keep an eye on her. 

She has a lot of story books. I bought her small and handy educational books like ABCs, fruits, colours, shapes, etc. because I want her to learn how important books are while she is still young. I want her to learn how to appreciate books and build a love of reading. 
As a parent I want to teach her as early as possible and reading a book for her is just one ways of doing so. When I read her a goodnight story and fairy tales, she is so quiet and you can see that she is actually concentrating and listening, while looking at all the photos in the book. I know she may not understand it all yet, but I can tell how eager she is to do so. 

I don’t know if a lot of you have heard about this, but there is actually a global day dedicated to celebrate literature and encourage a love of reading to all kids world-wide. It’s something called World Book Day – have you heard of it?
Well, it’s happening next month and celebrates authors, illustrators, books, literacy from an early age. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world.   
I have heard that a lot of my readers and schools in the UK make a big do out of it, by getting kids to dress up in costumes as their favourite story book character. Most parents sew the costumes themselves…if they can, but you can also get them online at places like Amazon, eBay or even a costume store like Fancy Dress Ball.  

They’ve even got an offer on their kids costume selection right now, which is especially good for all my readers in the UK who are not as good with the needle and thread as others. I mean, look at this little Belle Costume…adorable right?


Too bad I can’t dress Rianna up in one of these now – or I would probably get her all “princessed” up and snap of few shots of her like I love to do.
But it’s definitely a good source to check out if you’ve got school children, but you’d better act fact because World Book Day is on 7th of March remember…?
Oooh, and before I forget – you should probably check out WBD’s games and other cool stuff page for ideas for the event, so you can make if extra special for you and your little one.

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