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Fried Chicken Recipe

I miss home so much especially the food. I love fried chicken and KFC and Jollibee chicken are my favorites. Unfortunately, those food chains are not here in Finland. Because of my cravings, I have to make my own fried chicken that is almost the same as those in KFC. Well, it’s not difficult to cook. It’s just as easy as one two three. Today I am going to share with you how to cook fried chicken with curry sauce, my own style.
Hubby loves chicken and so as my daughter. So I really have an excuse to cook this anytime I want because I know other people at home would love to eat it too. If you are in a diet, this may not good for you! There are many ways on how to cook fried chicken. And here’s my own way of cooking it.

Fried Chicken With Curry Sauce Recipe

Things you need:

1-kilo chicken legs
1/2 cup cooking oil (or more)
3 eggs
1/2 cup flour
2 tablespoon soy sauce
chopped garlic
slice onions


1. In a bowl beat eggs. Add onions, garlic, soy sauce, pepper, and all chicken legs. Marinate for at least 30 minutes.
2. In another bowl put flour. Soak the chicken until the whole piece is covered with flour.
3. Put cooking oil in a pan and let it hot. Then fry the chickens.
4. When cook, serve with rice and curry sauce.
Curry Sauce Recipe:
You will need:
1 pack of curry sauce powder
Butter/Margarine melted
1. In a small pan put the sauce powder and add water. Estimate water just enough to dissolve the powder.
2. Let it boil in direct heat.
3. Add butter or margarine. Stirring constantly until it becomes sticky and ready.


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