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Things I Made: Heart Crystal Earrings

I have been so busy for a few months now taking care of my baby. And I hardly had enough time to chill out or do something to make me more productive. Well, not now I guess as I tried to motivate myself to do something else aside from taking care of my child of course. I feel like a crafter now, so from today, I am going to post DIY/crafts here. Everything about the beauty and fashion related crafts. It’s another side project of mine aside from blogging. I have so many interests in making jewelry and I think this is the right time to start over. Wish me luck!

What you need:24g wire
2 crystal heart beads, or any top-drilled beads
2 earring wire hooks (I’ve used french earring wires)
round nose pliers
chain or flat nose pliers
wire cutters
safety glasses

Here’s how:
1. Cut a 3 to 4-inch length of wire. Grip the middle of the length of wire with your chain nose pliers. Slide your bead onto the wire.
2. Take both sides of the wire and cross them diagonally over the top of the bead. Cut off one side of the wire 3-4mm from where the wire crosses the other one.
3. Take your chain nose pliers and bend both sides of the wire so that they are exactly vertical above the middle of the bead. Grip the wire with your round nose pliers just above the place where you cut one side off.
4. Make a loop around the nose of your pliers. Release your pliers and slide your earring wire/hook onto the loop. Grip the loop with your chain or flat nose pliers and use your free hand to wrap the wire around the neck of the loop. Wrap until the end of the straight piece of wire.
5. Wrap the loose wire until it reaches the end of the straight piece of wire. Cut off the extra wire with your wire cutters.  Press the end down with your chain or flat nose pliers.

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