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Zoo Visit

I live more than a year here in Finland and it’s odd that I just visited the animal zoo in Helsinki (last Wednesday). It’s not that I am not interested to see animals, it’s just that we never planned to go there until this month. The original plan was we were going to Linanmäki with kids but it was postponed so we changed our plan to visit the zoo instead.

Well, it was fun. A zoo visit is fun than going to the mall (in my opinion). It’s different from looking at clothes to looking and watching wild animals walking around. Some big animals were lazy and hiding at first. We didn’t see anything and quite frustrating. But as soon as we tour around the island we discovered a lot of animals. Some of them I saw for the first time like lions, camels, tigers, and bears. I felt lucky that I had a chance to snap photos with tigers and lions and so with camels. Camels were the ugliest animal I ever saw there. Well, because they are so old already. But I admired them, camels were the first transportation source during ancient times. And it’s such a privilege to see them in real. There were also kangaroos, monkeys, colourful parrots, big cats, turtles, reptiles, peacock and much more. One thing I didn’t see there which is usual in the zoo are snakes.

Visiting a zoo is fun and interesting. The place was well organized and considering that it’s an island, the place is really beautiful. There are so many nice flowers and trees around. And sometimes I forgot to be a zoo visitor or I went there to take outfit photos. Of course, I did take several outfit photos which I posted the other day.

If you live in Finland and planned to visit the zoo in Helsinki, I recommend you bring some foods and snack. There is a lot of bench and tables there where you can eat and do picnics. We didn’t bring any food so we went to the mall just to eat. Zoo was big and we were so tired walking after we were able to see the whole place. But it worth it.

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